You’re here because you care. Because you know that parenting does not come with an instruction manual and no one is perfect. However, there are those parents who are driven to self-reflect, connect with their child, break toxic intergenerational cycles, and become the best version of themselves for their child. You are that parent.
~ Rosalie Piedra, LPC, RPT
Recommended Parenting Books

The Whole Brain Child by Daniel J. Siegel and Tina Payne Bryson
Ideal Reader: This book is most helpful for parents who have children 12 years old and younger. There are many explanations, examples, and strategies on supporting your child and challenging behaviors.

The Yes Brain Child by Daniel J. Siegel and Tina Payne Bryson
Ideal Reader: This book is for parents of children, teens, and adults, and even gives great insight into ourselves and what we need to thrive in life. The primary premise of this book is to help us understand the “Yes Brain” and cultivate a brain that is balanced, resilient, insightful, and empathic. With the “yes brain” the authors discuss how kids can learn to pause and respond to problems and approach the world with openness, resilience, and authenticity.

The Power of Showing Up by Daniel J. Siegel and Tina Payne Bryson
Ideal Reader: This book is appropriate for parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and all other important adults in a child's life. This book is all about how we as adults can show up in a child's life physically and emotionally. The book elaborates of "Four S's" - helping children feel safe, seen, soothed, and secure.

How To Talk So Little Kids Will Listen: A Survival Guide to Life with Children Ages 2-7 by Joanna Faber & Julie King
Ideal Reader: This book is a valuable resource for parents and caregivers of children ages 2-7. We all know the toddler and early elementary years can be a time of big and strong emotions in our little ones. There are many helpful explanations and strategies for parents on how to respond to children in a connecting and regulating way.

How To Talk When Kids Won't Listen by Joanna Faber & Julie King
Ideal Reader: This book is a valuable tool for parents and caregivers of younger and older children. In those moments of parenting where we feel most escalated, you’ll learn techniques to respond in a safe and connected way to help your child. Throughout the book, you’ll find real world examples and comic style diagrams to support the authors’ explanations.

Good Inside by Becky Kennedy
Ideal Reader: This book is such an empowering resource for parents. In Good Inside, Dr. Becky Kennedy helps parents move past experiences where they may feel guilt or shame and reminds parents that we are all good inside. The focus on parenting throughout the book is on connection, self-development, and healthy child development. Some of the topics covered in this book are meeting our needs as parents and helping our children through tantrums, social anxiety, sibling rivalry, defiance, and more.
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