We're So Glad You're Here...

The next step to learn more about our services and schedule an appointment is to reach out to us by filling out this contact form. We will be in touch within 24-48 hours to schedule a 15-20 minute phone consultation. 

Please note, we do not take walk in appointments. Appointments must be made with a member of our team.

    First Name (required)

    Last Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Your Phone Number (required)

    How would you like to be contacted? (required)

    Who are you seeking services for? (required)

    Please check all primary concerns: (required)
    ADHDAnxietyAttachment, Adoption, NeglectComplex EmotionsDivorce, Separation, Blending FamiliesDissociationGrief & LossLife TransitionsLow Self-EsteemParentingPlay Therapy with Children ages 3 and upSelf-Harm or Suicidal IdeationTrauma and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)Other

    Additional information you would like me to know: (optional)

    For children, please list the caregiver's marital status: (required)

    Please list your availability for weekly sessions: (optional)

    We are currently in network with Aetna only (excluding Medicaid and Medicare plans) and considered out of network for all other insurance plans. We are happy to discuss a sliding scale with you or provide you with monthly receipts to seek insurance reimbursement. Please select how you would like to cover the cost of each session. (required)

    How Did You Hear About Us? (required)

    Best Time To Contact You? (required)